In 2015, the UN Human Rights Committee reiterated its previous recommendations that the Russian Federation revise without undue delay the Federal Law on Combating Extremist Activity to clarify the vague and open-ended definition of extremist activity, ensuring that the definition requires an element of violence or hatred and establishing clear and precise criteria on how materials may be classified as extremist. It should take all measures necessary to prevent the arbitrary use of the law and revise the Federal List of Extremist Materials. Human Rights Committee Concluding Observations on the Russian Federation, CCPR/C/RUS/CO/7, April 28, 2015, par. 20.
"Politics cannot begin to put the connecting tissue back in society. It is ill-equipped to reconstruct traditional moral beliefs. The best policies cannot recover courtship or marriage, make fathers responsible for their children, restore shock or shame where it once existed . . . The vast majority of moral problems that trouble us cannot be eradicated by law." - former U.S. government aide